Thursday, March 14, 2019

3 Ways To Survive Stress In Pregnancy

Anxiety can actually have very notable and adverse effects on physical health.

This is especially considerable when you're pregnant. For your health, and the health of your developing child, it's absolutely integral that you find ways of reducing stress wherever possible.

Following, several strategies that may help reduce stress will be considered.

1. Ensure You Have Firm Financial Foundations

As soon as you know you're pregnant, you and your spouse need to line out a financial strategy. This will be the quickest way of getting ahead of future stress, and alleviating that which you're dealing with in the present. It’s important to know that financial stress can be overcome.

There are programs available for expectant couples or single mothers—don't give up before you at least go looking. There are options for wherever you happen to be in life, and wherever your finances are. Also, future tax breaks will become available, so consider that as you budget.

When a couple gets pregnant, the time for easy days where a person comes or goes as they please ends. The man needs to have a stable job, and put his wife and child-to-be ahead of himself. If you're a single mom, this is going to be difficult. You can work until the last month or so of your pregnancy, but that's not good for you in terms of stress.

A better option would be for you to find relief options through local charities and religious organizations. Don't worry if you don't necessarily see eye to eye with those providing assistance. What's important is the end result. No, the ends don't always justify the means. But sometimes it's best to take a gift and not ask questions. You'll need discretion here, and making the right decision is best done as the fledgling family unit you are, rather than individually. This is the time to trust a spouse.

2. Surround Yourself With Family And Those You Can Trust

A pregnant mother needs a support network. She needs her spouse or partner readily available. If they aren't there, her mother should be available at a moment's notice. If there is no available future grandmother, it's integral to have some other family member that can be relied on, or friends at hand who are trustworthy.

Again, if you don't have friends or family, don't be afraid of the support option available through a Catholic charity, or something similar. There are boundless support options just waiting for mothers in need to find them.

3. Keep Yourself Centered, And Understand The Road Ahead

Do a little looking around online. Your pregnancy will change the hormonal balance of your body. Such changes will lead to mood swings, and how you feel may not be an accurate gauge of how things are.

You have to keep yourself centered, and make sure everything is in perspective as much as it can be. Have the father nearby as much as you can; or at least available at a moment's notice should you need him.

If you have any mentors, you want to talk with them and keep them close to you as your child develops inside. There are ups and downs you'll have to deal with regardless of how well you prepare.

Avoiding Unnecessary Stress

A natural, healthy pregnancy will have its own levels of stress. You need to have support networks in terms of family, friends, and finances beforehand. This will help ensure the safety and health of you, as well as your developing child. The bad news is, there will be stress. The good news is, you can avoid the worst of it, and the joy before you is greater than the stress you'll leave behind.

About our Guest Blogger
Stephanie Bates
Stephanie is the founder of Military Travel Mama; she is the wife of a military professional and mother to two children. Follow her blog for more about military life, military discounts, family trips, healthy eating, and parenthood.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 Review

First of all, Happy New Year! We're already midway January 2019. If you still do not have a planner for this year then I might be able to help you in that department.

I was given the Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 by Krissy Domingo of Idea School to review for this blog. And maybe, by the end of this post, you make it as one of your options in choosing your planner.

Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 Review

First Impression

I love the playful wordcloud on the cover. It's very eyecatching. Plus it's green which is the color of wealth. Surprisingly, this hardbound financial planner is very light to carry. it could fit into your everyday bag.

What's inside

The personal information page includes the basics, (such as your name and usual contact details), as well spaces for your social media handles.

Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 Review

This planner is all about goal-setting and has dedicated pages for your goal for the year, your monthly goals and travel goals.

Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 Review

There is also a page for the famous ipon or savings challenge so that you can keep track of how much you already have.

Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 Review

Articles by financial experts about how to save, invest, how to get out of debt and many more are also inside this planner. My personal favorite would be the article which explains all these head-scratching financial terms. I think that these articles are quite helpful.

Each month starts with a lovely motivational quote and a page for your monthly expenses and savings to keep you in check.

Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 Review

The Dreams to Millions Financial Planner is a dated weekly planner which is printed across 2 pages. It has a vertical layout. This is my first planner that has this layout and I personally love this because it's easier to look at when you want to take a quick glance of your week.

Dreams to Millions Financial Planner 2019 Review

Each spread also has a space for your top priorities, things you are grateful for, weekly savings and your #YOLOlist.

Below each page, you have the notes section. However, I think the space is quite small. I wish they had dedicated pages for notetaking because I always go to conferences and sometimes I tend to write on my planner. But, I do understand that this may make the planner thicker. So if you choose this planner, you better carry a separate notebook if you are attending lecture/conference/convention. (For this purpose, I use my travel journal).

Why should you get it?

I think this planner would be perfect for Millenials and those who are starting out in their careers. It can help you not only in tracking your finances but also your everyday life. The articles inside this planner can help you in deciding how to spend your hard-earned cash or how to make it grow.

You can get the Dreams to Millions Financial Planner online by visiting the My Idea School website.


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